Consistently cool cows = High performing Cows = Happy Customers

Core Cool Series

Temperature and Humidity, monitored 24/7 to cover your cows' comfort
At the heart of the CowKühlerZ System are three types of controllers that cover specific functions and adjust the system to the cows' needs. They are fully automatic, easy to set up and alter, then offer everyday peace of mind without the need for employee intervention.

  • HAC, the Holding Area Controller will automatically manage your fans and nozzles in the holding pen during the milking time. In between milking times, the HAC will shut the fans and nozzles off, saving you water and energy.
  • KBC, switches the KuhlBlu Supporters on and off when needed and sets the variable speed of the fans depending on the ambient temperature and your cows' needs.
  • CKC, the CowKühlerZ Controller monitors temperature and humidity year-round and provides intelligent water cooling only when needed.

Proven with amazing on farm results to be an innovative water cooling system delivering precise, perfectly-sized water particles directly on the cows' coat. Water particles evaporate -with the body heat- into the air, bedding does not get wet. Minimizing water usage to a fraction of what other methods use. The proven, innovative water cooling system KühlerZ Nozzles

  • Delivering precise, perfectly-sized water particles directly on the cows' coat Water particles evaporate -with the body heat- into the air
  • Bedding does not get wet
  • Minimizing the water use to a fraction of other methods use.

CC 18.07
18" - CC System,
1 ~ 200-270V 50/60Hz

CC 25.37
25" - CC System,
3 ~ 380-480V 50/60Hz

CC 32.40
32" - CC System,
3 ~ 380-480V 50/60Hz

Variable speed fans are a potential source for stray voltage. Due to its ultra-modern design, the VFD is integrated into the KühlBlu-Motor, which is further equipped with powerful line filters, preventing any stray voltage from escaping and causing discomfort or harm to your cows.

Differentiators of the Core Cool Series

  • Durable composite housing
  • Build for Agricultural conditions
  • EC motor for great efficiency
  • Internal variable speed control Spiralling airflow to maximize airspeed at a distance
  • Standard pigeon guards to protect your investment

CC BR 25/32
Universal Bracket for 25" and 32" Core Cool Supporters.

This very robust and versatile bracket does slip over a 2-1/2" tube, which is either standing from the floor up, or hanging down from the ceiling.

- Adjustable angles
- Both horizontal and vertical
- Quick and easy install
- High airflow efficiency

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Make every day a cool day!

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